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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Personal Care at AKTIP

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology and Obstetrics

In our Hospital, pregnancy follow-up, anomalies and problems that can be detected in the fetus during pregnancy can be diagnosed with the ultrasonography devices available in our clinic together with biochemical tests. In particular, double screening test based on measuring the nuchal thickness of the baby between 10-14 weeks of pregnancy, triple or quadruple screening test performed at 16-18 weeks, as well as all kinds of invasive procedures for the detection of fetal anomalies (chorion villus biopsy, amniocentesis, cordocentesis) and detailed ultrasonography between 22-24 weeks can be performed. In addition, multiple pregnancy follow-ups such as twins and triplets are also carried out. Risky pregnancies are followed up and delivered by our team.

Gynecological Oncology is defined as the diagnosis and surgical treatment of preinvasive and invasive neoplasms of organs in the female genital tract. In gynecological oncology, surgical treatments of noninvasive and invasive cancers originating from the vulva and internal genital organs such as the vagina, cervix, endometrium and ovaries are performed in our hospital. In our department, screening, diagnosis and surgical treatments of cervical, uterine and ovarian cancers are carried out by our expert team.

Menopause, which has been a highly updated subject in recent years, is also evaluated by our expert team, and the wearing effects of menopause are prevented. Routine mammography and bone densitometry in the hospital have an important place in the impression of these patients.

As infertility and assisted reproductive techniques, it provides a diagnosis opportunity to couples who have difficulty in conceiving a child. These include all kinds of imaging tests, hormone level determination, sperm analysis and chromosome analysis. Endoscopic examinations, which are up-to-date and become more common, and ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (vaccination) can also be performed in our hospital. In addition, almost any surgical intervention for the treatment of these problems can be performed during these endoscopic examinations. In addition, treatments for intra-abdominal adhesions, endometriosis (chocolate cyst), and reopening of clogged tubes (ducts) that cause infertility are possible when these examinations are performed for diagnosis.

In uro-gynecology, all kinds of medical and surgical treatments can be performed for urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence or sagging in female organs, which can be seen in women at all ages but increase with age and the number of births. Thank you for choosing our hospital, current intensive care unit and experienced surgical team for all gynecological, gyneco-oncological, obstetric and high-risk pregnancy follow-up.

Our Obstetrics and Gynecology Services

· Obstetrics Examination
· Pregnancy diagnosis, examination and follow-up
· All risky pregnancy follow-ups
· All kinds of surgical treatments that may occur after birth and postpartum and postpartum control examination
· Ultrasonography
· Ultrasonographic examination of pregnant women

· Doppler ultrasonography examination in pregnancy
· Interventional procedures during pregnancy (Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus sampling, Cordocentesis)
· Tests applied to pregnant women (double test, triple test, quad test and detailed ultrasonography)
· Delivery by a specialist / Cesarean section
· Pap test, which is cervical cancer full test (cervical wash)
· Cervical Colposcopy and biopsies for diagnosis of cervical cancer
· Endometrial biopsy
· Diagnostic and operative Laparoscopy
· Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy
· Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
· Insertion of intrauterine device (IUD)
· Daily surgical procedures
· External genital organs such as vulva and benign and malignant (cancer) diseases of internal genital organs such as vagina, cervix, uterus and ovary ·
· Urinary incontinence and genital organ prolapse and genital plastic surgeries
· Diagnosis and treatment of infertility such as HSG, ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (vaccination) assisted reproductive methods
- Menstrual irregularities
· Painful and severe menstrual bleedings
· Mass, discharge and painful conditions that may occur in the genital area
· Chronic abdominal and groin pains
· Menopause
· Sexually transmitted diseases
· Birth control methods
· All routine women's health tests 

Outpatient Clinic Procedures

Insertion or Removal of Ria (4th or 5th Day of Menstruation)
Insertion of Mirena (Medicated Spiral)
Insertion and Removal of Pessary (The patient will bring the pessary ring herself.)
HPV Treatments
Bartholin Abscess Drainage
Vulva and Vagina Biopsy Removal
Cesarean and Normal Birth Suture Removal
Colposcopy ,
Endocervical Curettage
Polyp Removal
Vaginismus Exercise
Double, Triple and Quadruple Test in Pregnancy
Subcutaneous Implant Insertion (Patient Brings Implant Himself)
Urinary Burning, Constant Urination Feeling: Acute Istitis
Vaginal Discharge, Itching: Vaginitis
Palpable Swelling and Stiffness in the Vagina: Bartholin's Cyst
Abdominal Pain: Dysmenorrhea
Menstrual Irregularity: Menametrorrhagia
Delayed Menstruation: Amenorrhea
Dysfunctional Bleeding: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Child Desire: Female Infertility
Painful Sexual Intercourse: Dyspareunia
Bleeding After Relationship: Postcoital Bleeding
Urinary Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence


Cesarean Birth
Normal Birth
Evacuation Curettage (Unwanted Pregnancy)
Dilatation Curettage (Missed- Dead Baby)
Laparoscopic Uterine and Ovary Removal (Closed Method)
Abdominal Uterus and Ovary Removal (Open Method)
Hymenoplasty (Hymen Stitching)
Labiaplasty (Inner Lip Aesthetics)
Probe Curettage
Cervical Cauterization (Cervical Wound Burning)
Condyloma Cauterization (Burning Genital Warts)
Cystorectocele Operation (Vaginal Aesthetics)
Vaginal Hysterectomy (Uterine Prolapse Surgery)
Urinary Incontinence Surgery (Tot, Minisling)
Cerclage (Cervical Insufficiency Surgery in Pregnancy)
Vaginal Tightening and Total Aesthetics
Bartholin Cyst Excision
Hsg (Womb Film)

 Patient Complaints

Acute Cystitis: Urinary Tract Infection
Acute Vaginitis: Vaginal Infection
Female Infertility: Problems with Fertility
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Oligomenorrhea: Long Period Between 2 Menstrual Periods, Menstrual Irregularity
Irregular Menstruation: Menstrual Irregularity
Rh Incompatibility: Blood Incompatibility During Pregnancy
Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes
Vaginismus: Inability to Stretch the Vaginal Muscles During Sexual Intercourse and Prevention of Vaginal Entry
Female Genital Prolapse: Uterine Prolapse
Hypothyroidism: High Blood Pressure
Vulva and Vaginal Candidiasis: Vaginal Yeast Infection
Dyspareunia: Pain During Sexual Intercourse
Urinary Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence
Abortion: Spontaneous Termination of Pregnancy
Menometrorrhagia: Excessive and Prolonged Bleeding at Irregular Intervals


"Aktıp Hospital specialist physicians contributed to the development of this content. The content of the page is for informational purposes only. The content of the page does not include items containing information about therapeutic health services. Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment."
