The eye is a very important and sensitive organ due to its function in our body. Eye problems can cause serious problems in daily life. Visual impairments lead to a decrease in the quality of life of the person.
One of the eye problems that makes life difficult is known as tear duct obstruction. Tear duct obstruction is quite common nowadays.
In order for our eyes to work healthily and smoothly, the tear system must also be healthy. Tears are secreted by the lacrimal gland and accessory lacrimal glands located in the upper outer part of the eye socket and come to the surface of the eye. It constantly cleans the eye surface, provides a smooth optical surface and lubricity. It then goes through the tear duct to the nasal cavity and then to the stomach.
Protecting eye health is very important for a person. In this direction, the person should pay attention to eye health and eye and eye area hygiene. In addition to taking precautions, as a result of the presence of eye defects in the person, the person should start the treatment of eye disorders without wasting time.
The eye secretes tears regularly to protect itself. Thanks to tears, the eyes always stay moist. As a result, friction problems that may occur due to the opening and closing of the eyelids are prevented.
Tears are transmitted out of the eye through certain channels. Occurrence of obstruction in these ducts causes tear duct obstruction discomfort. As a result of this, the eye disease affects the life of the person in a very negative way.
What is Tear Duct Occlusion?
Occlusion of the tear duct causes the eye, which should remain moist, not being able to moisten. This eye disease is seen as a result of obstruction in the channels where the tears secreted through the lacrimal glands are transmitted. Tear duct obstruction, which is defined as the discomfort seen in this duct, which has the function of tear progression, can negatively affect a person's life.
Tear duct obstruction, which occurs as a result of the blockage of the tear ducts, flows out of the eyelids, which should flow into the nose if it occurs. The flow of tears from the eyelids can cause inflammation around the eyes and face. After this infection, pain and redness may occur around the eyes.
What Are the Symptoms of Tear Duct Obstruction?
There are many symptoms of lacrimal duct obstruction. These symptoms are not seen in the same way in everyone who suffers from lacrimal duct obstruction. In case of tear duct obstruction, the symptoms that occur can be listed as follows;
Excessive watering of the eyes
· Inflammation on the face and around the eyes · Swelling in the root of the nose · Inflammation that occurs if the nasal root is pressed on · Occurrence of burrs in the eye · Redness in the eye and around the eyes
What are the Causes of Tear Duct Obstruction?
These causes can be handled and examined in two different ways as congenital and operant.
It is known that congenital tear duct obstruction occurs as a result of the inability of babies to complete the development process of their tear ducts while in the womb. The incomplete development of the tear ducts while in the mother's womb occurs as a result of the birth of the baby before the ducts are opened yet. If this happens, the baby is born with clogged tear ducts and the transmission of tears to the nose through the ducts is prevented.
Contrary to congenital tear duct obstruction, the condition considered as acquired tear duct obstruction is seen in middle-aged and elderly people. It is known that some diseases can cause acquired tear occlusion. Diseases that can cause acquired tear occlusion can be listed as follows;
· Sinusitis
· Some infections and inflammations · Tumor · Some traumas · Tear calculus
How to Detect Tear Duct Occlusion?
Different methods can be applied when diagnosing lacrimal duct obstruction. Fluid delivery to the tear ducts through the cannula is one of the most commonly used methods. The tear ducts are controlled by the fluid. Conduction of the transmitted fluid to the nose and throat indicates that there is no obstruction in the tear ducts. Imaging of the tear ducts is performed only if deemed necessary by the doctor. Imaging of the tear ducts is performed by dacryocystography and dacryoscintigraphy. Through these methods, it is determined whether there is any blockage in the tear ducts.
How Is Tear Duct Obstruction Treated?
The treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction, which is considered in two different types as congenital and operant, is also handled in two different ways for this differentiation.
While the treatment of congenital tear occlusion is carried out, the person is first started on massage therapy, which will last for one year. Massage therapy for lacrimal congestion is performed from the root of the nose downwards. It is known that this massage is performed in the form of stroking. This massage, which is recommended to be performed three or four times a day, should be applied a hundred times in a day. It is known that the tear duct opens spontaneously after massage. It is known that this problem disappears as a result of massage application in most people with tear duct obstruction problem.
Tear duct obstruction can cause burring in the eye. In cases where burrs occur in the eye, the doctor may recommend the use of antibiotics to the patient.
The continuation of eye watering despite the application of massage therapy indicates that the problem of tear occlusion has not been resolved. In this case, medical intervention may be required. One of these medical interventions, the probing method, opens the tear ducts. This method can be repeated several times as the complaints continue after the probing method. As a result of the failure of the probing method, dilatation and tube intubation or surgical method may be required.
In the treatment of acquired tear duct obstruction, a new channel should be opened instead of the blocked channel. External dacryocystorhinostomy is one of these procedures. Through this procedure, a new channel is applied in the nose. In the endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy method, the process of opening a channel towards the lacrimal sac is performed through the endoscope. In this method, no incision is taken from the skin and thus no scars are seen. In the transcanalicular laser dacryocystorhinostomy method, root canal treatment is performed via laser. During the method, anesthesia is applied and the laser probe is inserted through the realization of the canal mouth.
The most appropriate method should be determined by the specialist doctor after a detailed examination.
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"Aktıp Hospital specialist physicians contributed to the development of this content. The content of the page is for informational purposes only. The content of the page does not include items containing information about therapeutic health services. Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment."