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Personal Care at AKTIP



Radiology Unit | Aktıp Hospital

Radiology is a medical specialty in which images of internal body structures are interpreted to diagnose diseases. For the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of the disease, images of the internal structure of the body are obtained using radiation, high-frequency sound waves or very strong magnetic fields.

Radiological examinations play a key role in correctly diagnosing diseases and carrying out a successful treatment process. With developing technology, all body systems can be examined with different imaging examinations and successful results are obtained in the fight against diseases thanks to sensitive evaluations.


Examinations performed in our Radiology Department:

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

• Mammography

• Computed Tomography (CT)

• Direct Radiographic Examinations (X-RAY)

The radiology department has the technical equipment and experienced physician staff to meet all the demands of patients and doctors for diagnosis and treatment. The staff takes maximum care to ensure that patients are comfortable during the procedures.

Radiologists have the knowledge and experience to perform procedures such as general radiology, computed tomography, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and color Doppler ultrasonography.

All radiographic examinations are viewed and stored in digital media.


Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme (MRG)

The department responds to all MR imaging needs of patients with high-tech imaging devices and has 1 closed 1.5 Tesla MRI device. Siemens 1.5 Tesla whole body imaging system with the latest hardware and software was purchased and is one of the fastest MRI devices commercially available today. With this device, images can be created that increase diagnostic sensitivity and contribute significantly to treatment planning. The latest imaging protocols can be easily implemented with the new device.

All neurological examinations (brain, neck and vertebra etc.), abdominal examinations, musculoskeletal system examinations, MR cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP) etc. can be done.


In the department, radiological examinations that require the use of anesthesia for patients of all ages can be performed under the supervision of our specialist anesthesiologist and anesthesia technicians.




Mammography is a special examination performed using X-rays in the diagnosis of breast cancer and other benign breast diseases. Mammography services include screening examinations of asymptomatic patients, diagnostic examinations of women with symptomatic breast diseases, stereotaxic preoperative breast marking and consultations.

Mammography is suitable for female patients over the age of 40, but for it to be performed again, at least 1 year and a half must pass since the date of the mammography, unless the doctor requests it.

The technological features of the devices enable optimal magnification and compression techniques with minimum radiation dose. It is the department that provides accurate and fast diagnostic services for screening and diagnostic mammographic examinations.


What is Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging?


AKTIP Hospital Radiology Department has a Siemens CT device with 64 detector technology, and any part of the body such as brain, vertebra, thorax, abdomen, bone and pelvic structures can be scanned.

Computed tomography; It is a radiological diagnostic method that aims to create a cross-sectional image of the examined part of the body using x-ray. With this method, superposition in classical roentgenograms is eliminated. The images are much more detailed than x-rays.

CT is the product of the combination of x-ray with computer technology. In order to create a CT section, it is necessary to know the x-ray attenuation value of each point in the section plane. These values ​​are found by processing a large number of measurements made by passing x-rays from all aspects of the section plane with powerful computers. These numerical values ​​are colored with the corresponding gray tones to obtain cross-sectional images. CT images are more detailed than x-rays.

There are two main reasons for this:

Imaging a thin slice of the body: In an x-ray, structures the size of which the x-ray passes through fall on top of each other. Therefore, it becomes difficult to select structures whose density difference is not obvious. This is eliminated in CT, which images a thin body slice.

With these superior features, CT helps doctors save many lives. 

What are the areas where computed tomography is most frequently used?


BT; It is one of the best methods for examining the chest and abdominal organs. It is the preferred method in the diagnosis of many diseases, including lung, paranasal sinuses, liver and pancreas diseases. CT is a diagnostic method frequently used in bone imaging. It is also used in the diagnosis of hand, foot, shoulder and other skeletal system structures and spine bone pathologies.

CT is used to diagnose brain, liver, spleen, kidneys and other internal organ injuries by taking advantage of its ability to perform rapid scanning and provide detailed images in traumatized cases.

It is also one of the methods used in the diagnosis of vascular pathologies that may lead to stroke, gangrene or kidney failure.

CT examination can be performed without or with contrast material, depending on the area evaluated. Contrast material can be administered intravenously or orally, depending on the nature of the examination. Then, the desired area is scanned on the tomography device.

If contrast material will be given intravenously, the injection is made through a mechanical injector during the procedure. During the procedure, the patient remains alone in the tomography room, but if he has any complaints, the patient's voice can be easily heard in the imaging room and the patient is monitored during the imaging.


Use of Contrast Material in CT;

Contrast material; It is a drug administered intravenously, which is also frequently used in tomography examinations and allows the vessels to be visualized under x-ray. It is also used to nourish organs and distinguish between normal tissue and diseased tissue (tumor, mass, infarct, etc.).

Contrast material can be administered intravenously or orally, depending on the area to be examined and the evaluation to be made. While both of these methods can be applied together, some patients may not be given contrast material at all.

Before administering intravenous contrast material, the patient is informed to determine the risk of contrast material allergy.

During intravenous administration of contrast material, a temporary feeling of warmth (hot flushes), a metallic taste in the mouth, or a feeling of urinary incontinence may occur. All this passes in seconds. After the contrast agent, our patients are informed to drink plenty of water. 


Direct Radiographic Examinations (X-RAY)

X-ray, one of the most important diagnostic methods used in medicine, is used to diagnose invisible problems in tissues. As it passes through the tissues, some shadows are formed depending on the hardness or softness of the tissue. By taking advantage of this, it enables diagnosis by showing the condition of tissues invisible to the naked eye. The black and white shadows that appear during the film are read by doctors who know this job well, and the disease is diagnosed.


PACS (Image Archiving and Communication System)

The PACS system is designed to archive all images obtained in the radiology department of Aktip Hospital. Thanks to PACS, our hospitals have the feature of being film-free hospitals. The images obtained can be accessed by all units of our hospital via the intranet environment.